Aged Care Industry Technology Council releases a report on what the Research and Evidence is indicating right now in the sector…
The Aged Care Industry Information Technology Council (ACIITC) commissioned Australia’s first Technology Roadmap for Aged Care which was published in 2017. The Roadmap was informed by consultation with the aged care sector and with organisations providing technology to the sector, as well as by a review of the literature.
Given the speed of the technological change, ACIITC commissioned an updated review, Aged and Community Sector Technology and Innovative Practice – A Report on what the Research and Evidence is indicating. The report is based on a search of major research databases and of the grey literature, focusing on the period 2016 – 2019, updating the first review that identified research studies published 2011 – 2016.
The introduction to the 2019 literature review overviews some of the most disruptive technologies. Findings from the literature review are presented in two main categories – technologies that support positive ageing and technologies that support the care of older people.
This Report explores key recent technology changes including:
- Advances in artificial intelligence and automation;
- Advance in blockchain and data analytics;
- The continued evolution of sensor technologies;
- Ongoing development of virtual reality and augmented reality; and
- Voice-activated technology.
The barriers and challenges to the adoption of technology-enhanced Ageing and Aged Care are considered in the report including individual readiness, ethical issues and organisational and system readiness.
ACIITC Chair, Dr George Margelis stated “This is important research work which details the evidence of the impact of new technologies on the delivery of care as well as service and business structures”.
The Aged Care Industry Information Technology Council is confident you will find this report impactful when considering future strategic directions for Aged and Community Care.
A summary of the report has been provided in the form of a discussion paper.
For a full copy of the Aged and Community Sector Technology and Innovative Practice – A Report on what the Research and Evidence is indicating or to review the discussion paper click here.
The release of this report is in line with the release of ACIITC Infrastructure and Interoperability Survey which will benchmark how the Aged and Community Care sector is positioned in respect to the update of technologies as well as the resolution of issues. This survey will be released in early 2020.
For more information about the Aged Care Industry Information Technology Council visit or contact Secretariat